Application Form
DCFCA Scholarship Information
The D.C. Federation of Civic Associations has been granting scholarships to graduates of the DC Public Schools since 1968. The idea of Federation scholarships was initially promoted by Nelson C. Roots, our President in 1965-67, and strongly supported by him for many years. He recruited Gloria C. Roberts (his former colleague on the DC Board of Education) who chaired the Scholarship Committee until 1979. Gloria was followed by Reba M. Diggs, who served 1980-99. After Reba’s twenty-year stint, the scholarships were named in her honor.
Applicants are solicited through the DC Public School system or on the web site from among public school graduates admitted to American colleges. The Diggs and special scholarships are means based, but the Committee gives great weight to academic promise and a commitment to serve the community. All scholarships and prizes so far have been for the first year only. Checks for the scholarships are sent to the colleges after the recipients have successfully completed their first semester or quarter.
Beginning in 2006 a total of $13,000 or more have been awarded each year. Scholarships range from $3,000 down to $500 for Diggs scholarships. A Joseph W. Carter Academic Prize of $500 (contributed annually by a past president of the Federation) is also granted. The Prize provides money to help with books and supplies for a student who has achieved a high grade-point average, and has won a full scholarship for regular expenses.
The amount budgeted reflects the continued success of our Annual Awards Luncheons. Northeast Boundary and Public Interest are to be especially commended for bringing in a large number of guests to the luncheon each year. We also thank our lead sponsors for their generous support, the DC Sports and Entertainment Commission, Citibank, and the DC Lottery and Charitable Games Board.
Contributions to the Fund are fully tax deductible under the Federation’s 501(c)(3) status. The Federation has established four categories of donations, and recognizes donors in our Annual Awards Luncheon souvenir booklet.
The categories are:

The Federation appeals to member associations, individual delegates, as well as all other citizens and business people concerned with public education in the District of Columbia to contribute to this 40-year old scholarship program. It encourages our public school students by letting them know that we are doing our part to help them succeed.