Upcoming Events
Annual Awards Luncheon — October 2024 – TBD
Welcome to the Federation
The D.C. Federation of Civic Associations (DCFCA) is dedicated to informing, representing, and supporting the residents of the District of Columbia by bringing together leaders of its diverse neighborhoods in an action-oriented body.

Our Next Meeting
The DCFCA meets every fourth Wednesday at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise posted.
Our meeting dates for 2024 are:
- January 24
- February 28
- March 27
- April 24
- May 22
- June 26
- September 25
- October 23
- November 20*
- December 4 (Annual Assembly – Elections)
*Due to Thanksgiving Holiday on November 28th.
While these meeting dates are subject to change, there would have to be a very compelling reason for such a change.
We are currently meeting via Zoom.
Our Zoom meeting connection information does not change from month to month.
Use https://tinyurl.com/meetdcfca Or https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87695230728?pwd=TjZ3QnZrRVg3ZkJhUHdGc09QRWtFdz09
Or Dial-In Only at: 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 876 9523 0728
Passcode: 920155
Use *6 (star-6) to mute and un-mute and *9 (star-9) to raise and lower hand.
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4549
Washington, DC 20017
Please contact us via: info@dcfca.org for all other contacts.